A blog on practice in the Nation’s second-most powerful court

D.C. Circuit nominee Bradley Garcia to be considered by full Senate

The Senate Judiciary Committee today reported D.C. Circuit nominee Bradley Garcia to the full Senate. Garcia is 36 years old. If confirmed, he would be the youngest member of the D.C. Circuit, behind Judge Justin Walker, who is 40.

Garcia has been working in the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel. Before that, he was a partner at O’Melveny & Myers. He clerked on the Supreme Court for Justice Elena Kagan, and on the D.C. Circuit for Judge Thomas Griffith.

These kinds of details are readily available in the legal press. But if you’re interested in more granular information, consider reading the nominee’s response to the standard judicial-nominee questionnaire required by the Senate Judiciary Committee. A complete employment history, honors and awards, lists of publications, details of the nominee’s legal practice—all of these and more appear in the nominee’s response, which gets posted on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s website.

Here, for example, is Garcia’s response. And here is Judge Walker’s.